Saturday, March 06, 2004

Wow, this is weird. I've been home alone for hours. It's so strange not to be surrounded by people and crying babies, and general madness, I hardly know what to do with all this peace and quiet.

I've been a good momma and shut off the tele and done some reading, another Robert Millet book, this one "Lost and Found"-Reflections on the Prodigal Son.

Having survived 4 teenagers, I've seen and survived a lot of prodigal son/daughter moments in my life. What the heck, I was once a prodigal teenager myself. But I praise God that the latest family crisis is winding down. Our latest prodigal child has grown weary of the ways of the world and returned to the loving embrace of family. God has been kind to us and heard our prayers. He sent the child a spiritual healing and gave him the courage to repent and return. It is such a joy to see him saying his prayers, even waking up for the dawn prayer, and encouraging other family members to remember their prayers! God is so very kind, I hardly know the words to thank Him.

In the same book I found a quote that is so inspirational and uplifting, it seems to have been written just for my strengthening. Wow! I've written it out and will post it on the wall in my room where I can read it every day. I had been praying for strength, hope and increased faith and this quote is truly an answer to those prayers. Again Wow!

Plus, another big Divine favor this week in that another child has found a job after just one week of sudden unemployment! The new job offers greater income and seems to be a better place for him to work, very different from his last stressful and uncooperative work environment. I am so very blessed.

Plus, this week I saw a wonderful rainbow, the first I've seen in several years, and the Spring flowers are starting to peek out of the ground. There is hope for color and flowers and joy again.

This blog is dedicated to Spring and Flowers and Rainbows and a kind and loving God who answers prayers.